Financial Information




Tuition Fees: Annual Monthly
First Child $4,475.00 $447.50
Second Child $3,295.00 $329.50
Each Additional Child $400.00 $40.00

For those who choose to pay tuition on the 10-month plan, the due dates are the first day of each month beginning in August and continuing through May. Late Payments and Returned Checks: If payments are not received by the 7th of each month, a $25.00 late fee will be assessed unless an approved payment plan is in place. If the payment plan is not strictly adhered to, the late fee will be applied with payments due immediately or attendance will not be permitted. If checks are returned unpaid by the bank, a $35.00 fee will also be charged. If a student’s bill is delinquent by one month, that student will be dismissed from attendance until the account is paid in full or an approved payment plan is in place and the account will be placed on probationary status.


Other Deadlines:

Accounts must be current before a student may begin the second semester. Students with balances on their accounts may not receive transcripts.



If a student withdraws from school, he/she will be charged tuition that is pro-rated for the days enrolled. Any unused tuition amount will either be credited or refunded upon request. All other charges (including the entire matriculation fee) are due and non-refundable.


Enrollment Fee:
Early Enrollment (by the last Friday in March) $75.00
Enrollment $125.00

Students who are enrolled by the last Friday in March will be eligible for the early enrollment fee. Students who are enrolled after the last Friday in March, will be charged the regular enrollment fee. The enrollment fee must be paid, all necessary paperwork must be completed, and accounts must be paid current in order to hold a student’s place in CSOS. All enrollment fees are non-refundable.


Matriculation Fee:
Includes book rental.

The matriculation Fee covers the cost of book rental, American Association of Christian Schools (AACS) membership, the annual Iowa Achievement Test, and other curricula supplies. The Matriculation Fee will be charged in two installments of $225.00 each and will be due on June 1st and July 1st unless withdrawn by May 31st. Because the school incurs the matriculation expenses based upon your child’s enrollment, the full amount of the Matriculation Fee will be required even if your child transfers from CSOS and it is not refundable. It should be understood that all textbooks, workbooks, and other curricula materials are the property of CSOS and are simply rented by the students.


Late Care:
Pick up before 3:15 Free
Pick up before 4:30 $3.50 a day per child
Pick up after 4:30 $7.00 a day per child

Care for children at school after 3:15 p.m. will be charged according to the information above.

A minute after 6:00 p.m., results in a $25.00 charge


Aditional Fees:
Computer Lab $95.00 (when applicable)
Yearbook $30.00 per yearbook
Kindergarten Graduation $50.00
Senior Graduation $150.00
Art K-12th Grade $15.00
Per Student/Per Fundraiser $100


Fundraising Policy

CSOS does limited fundraising activities. This is done in order to keep tuition at a reasonable level for everyone. The fundraising we do is necessary and everyone benefits from the results. Therefore, for a maximum of three annual school-wide fundraisers, there is a minimum of $100.00 per child that is to be raised or contributed. These two or three fundraisers will be designated “major” fundraisers. Otherwise, the majority allow the minority to do the work while everyone reaps the benefits. A family need not have an additional $200-$300+ expense if we all simply do our part in participating. For those who actually participate, this policy is welcomed. For those who have not, be encouraged by the huge benefit of many hands making light work. Imagine what we are able to do together for His glory! Gal. 6:5